Lawyers: is it hard to focus  and get anything done because you get interrupted all the time?

One lawyer I talked with said,
“I have 1,847 unanswered emails on my phone and I’m lucky if I get 10 minutes of uninterrupted time in my day.”

I’m wondering, is it true that as a lawyer, these interruptions are pretty constant?

Do you try really hard to get your work done but your cell and office phones keep ringing; text messages and social media pings are near-constant, and then there’s an Inbox full of emails, many or most unanswered?

On top of all that, are there people standing in your home or office doorway saying, ‘Got a minute?’

I’m guessing that no matter how diligent you are, no matter what new technique you try, the interruptions just won’t stop.

Want to Gain 3+ hours in your day?

Lucky for you, I have put together a step by step easy formula and designed a very short course so you can be the new productive you, pronto. Like starting today if that works for you! You’re doing hard work and there is no reason for burnout. You can make a difference and you can have a life. These are not exclusive of each other.

When would you like to start? This is offered on-line, with instant access at your convenience, and will take less than one hour to learn and implement.

In this short course, you will learn and implement the top tips and techniques to get chunks of uninterrupted time in your day, everyday, so you can:

     • Get piles of work done: feel productive, accomplished and satisfied

     • Walk around with a skip in your step & stop feeling burned out

     • Have other attorneys asking what your secret is to getting things done

     • Get home in time for dinner or go out on a covid date 

     • Have time in your day to do the things that are meaningful in your life

$37 gets you Instant Access.


SEGMENT ONE: This is where you learn the formula that is easy to incorporate immediately, stuff they didn’t teach you in law school. You choose what time to watch segment one.

SEGMENT TWO: is a live Q&A call where you get on a conference call (not Zoom!) with fellow lawyers so I can answer any questions that you might still have. (If you want, you can remain anonymous when you submit your questions.)


Sign up before XXX and get your email questions answered
personally within 48 hours! Instant access!

A few words from my clients:

A few words about me

For the last 19 years, I’ve been partnering with lawyers to run successful practices and law firms. My experience is that the lawyers who get their productivity techniques down can go on to business development, grow their practice and leave a legacy. Lawyers who don’t get their practice development down remain stuck, on a gerbil wheel: this year feels the same as last year. Instead of loving their practices and firms, these lawyers are working overtime. They remain frustrated, they struggle with focus, and their productivity remains diminished. All because they didn’t learn this stuff in law school.

Finally, I’ve run my own business for 33 years. I am serious and get things done but I love to crack a joke to make life a little more fun when I can. I am neurotic about confidentiality. Your secrets are my secrets.

I’ve also got credentials, a CPCC, and a PCC from Co-Active and the International Coach Federation, and I have awards and stuff, but the testimonials speak for themselves, right?


When would you like to start? This is offered on-line, with instant access at your convenience, and will take less than one hour to learn and implement.

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$ 37
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