Creator of the 4Rs Intake:

How to build Rapid Rapport with DV and SA survivors without Rushing or Retraumatization

• Do you work with victims of domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA)?

• Do you want training on the latest trauma-informed and vicarious trauma-informed practices, along with knowing how to build stronger rapport that will significantly improve your intakes and empower survivors?

The 4Rs Intake is the most (only?) advanced survivor-responsive intake available.


My speciality is providing technical assistance training to VWAs, civil attorneys, prosecutors, law enforcement, and crisis responders to upgrade their current intake process to the 4Rs Intake.


The 4Rs Intake:

INCREASE–> Rapid Rapport

DECREASE–> Rushing and Retraumatization 

Is this true?

You want to walk away from an intake and say, OK, that went the best that it could go. I think I got the info I needed and my victim wasn’t (understandably) left in tears and totally stressed and discombobulated. 

Instead, do you face some or all of the following?

  • You have some trauma training but you don’t feel fully trauma-informed or vicarious trauma-informed and you wish you knew more do’s and don’ts
  • You’re not 100% sure what to do if your survivor (or you) gets triggered in the middle of an intake 
  • You don’t know how to improve the nuances of communication: how to use the right words and how to notice their body language
  • You also don’t know how to ‘use’ your own body language (and read what it’s telling you), or how to tune into (and use) your five senses during an intake
  • You’re rushed for time but you can’t act rushed or you’ll probably shut down your survivor
  • You want to ask and gather more details to make a strong case for prosecution but you don’t want to intrude into any details because your rapport isn’t strong enough to ask the necessary (intrusive) questions
  • On top of that, you are not quite sure when to say what, or how fast or slow to go; the whole situation is really uncomfortable
  • Plus, you’ve been trying forever to be more efficient but the whole process (system) is so very slow
  • In short, you want to be more effective and do better intakes but you don’t really know what the doable next steps might be

 The 4Rs Intake is 100% survivor-responsive and the most:





–vicarious trauma-informed,



–unbiased, and



intake available that supports 

victims of DV and SA.

I partner with those on a mission* to End DV and SA Violence in our lifetime.

 *I’m here to partner with prosecutors, civil attorneys, VWAs, judges, legislators, law enforcement, and crisis responders to ask why things are the way they are and then to collaborate with you and other strategists in order to offer some bold plans and pathways to gain some traction and make this process more fair.

“At the rate things are going, even in the year 2025, even with #MeToo, I fear that our grandchildren’s children still won’t see an end to sexual misconduct.”  Becky Castro, CPCC, PCC


The best definition of Fairness & What I Stand for:


“Fairness”—a society in which all people experience inclusion, access to resources and opportunity, regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, immigration status, mental or physical disability, and other areas of human differences.

I borrowed this definition of ‘equality’ from the International Coaching Federation, the professional organization that accredits me. I then edited the definition and replaced the word ‘equality’ with ‘fairness.’

Some of my accomplishments: