My mom, Flora Parisky and me at the 3rd Biennial NE Women’s Policy Conference, Boston. She is 81 in that photo and her trailblazing energy is with me all the time!
I'm on a mission to make some changes in society.
Because at the rate we are going...
our grandchildren's children, still won't see the end of sexual misconduct.
Why use the 4R Intake?
Because after doing significant research, it’s the most cutting edge intake available to use with survivors of DV and SA.
How so?
The 4R Intake is:
- innovative,
- holistic,
- vicarious trauma-informed,
- client-led,
- victim-empowered,
- unbiased, and
- empathetic-with-boundaries
Why did I develop the 4R Intake?
- Because I am an expert in building rapport; rapidly and deeply, connecting with survivors.
- I am a fast emerging SME on trauma and mitigating it.
- Because the 4R Intake doubles as an intake and a trauma education tool. I know first hand how trauma informs everything else in a victim’s life.
- Like 40% of the US population (that reported their abuse), I am also a DV and SA survivor.
Training Bonus
This training also includes tools to support survivors when you aren’t a therapist but your victim (or you) are getting retraumatized.
Benefits of the 4R Intake for DV and DA Survivors
The 4R is the most gentle, respectful, caring, sensitive, non-abrasive and yet highly informative intake (data collecting tool) available.
It is a live (vs static) tool, meaning that it can be constantly upgraded to meet the needs of survivors as needed.
It is 100% authentic and customizable.
Use the link at the bottom of this page to contact me to discuss how I can speak and/or train your organization, DV/SA Unit, Law Enforcement department on how to create and customize the 4R Intake to meet the needs of DV and SA survivorsin
We're the Ones We've Been Waiting For...
--my personal story--
Way back in 1977, I took my first Anti-Racism training. I was also elected to be a CT State Delegate to the National Women’s Conference in Houston. I was 17 years old.
In 1977, there was no such thing as a victim witness advocate in CT, the first Family Violence Victim Advocate was hired in 1987.
In 1991, it was bad enough that a man who by all accounts sexually harassed another human being was barely investigated and then nominated and confirmed to our Supreme Court. Then in 2021, it happened again while my insides stirred and rumbled; an accused rapist, again with a juvenile investigation, was nominated and confirmed.
First witnessing Anita Hill and then Christine Blasey Ford demonstrate their unbelievable courage while being publicly grilled and retraumatized on national TV by a room full of US Senators, who were untrained to address trauma nor who conducted a proper investigation (there was no typical courtroom process); I knew I had to share my story too.
I’m a survivor. I spoke up 44 years after it happened. Publicly on Facebook. Enough of this shame and silence.
I’m obsessed about the need for increased shared resources and community for survivors, increased reporting (if desired), training in affirmative consent, tools to lessen re-traumatization, increased convictions, increased rehabilitation (i.e., effective restorative justice), while decreasing recidivism of perpetrators.
As a DV and SA survivor and strategist, I’m obsessed with why there is this extremely long wait time for change. I wonder where the action plan is — Project 2028 ? — to harness all of the energy, across state lines, a force to be reckoned with so that everyone’s tireless contributions are creating some serious permanent traction.
"Just Watch Me"
In 4th grade, I refused to say the pledge of allegiance. I felt disingenuous standing with my hand on my heart.
How could I claim “with liberty and justice for all” when I knew that our country was not fulfilling that promise for all people?
As far back as I can remember, my goal has been to “change the fabric of society, so that it’s fair.”
Also at age 10, a babysitter told me that I would grow up and forget my desire to change the fabric of society. Annoyed, I retorted with, “Just watch me.”
How I Serve Clients:
Co-active professional coaching is quite powerful, liberating and healing. Our professional organization uses this definition:
- Certified coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
You can gleam that this does not mean mentoring, directing, advising, or managing.
People tell me what they want and I help them work through any internal lies (I deserved this, I can’t leave, I’m not educated enough, I’m not feeling confident, I don’t feel strong enough, etc., etc.) to achieve their aspirations.
I have learned how to create deep rapport with my clients so they end up feeling safe and then they transform themselves, with their own definition of what that means.
They tell me lovely things like “Becky is the best thing since tiramisu” and “Everyone needs a Becky.” Here are some testimonials.
Clients say I’m passionate, approachable, an excellent listener, smart & strategic. Clients know I can be trusted as an outside, non-judgemental, confidant.
Previously, I explored my interests in becoming a lawyer, a mediator, a therapist, or a coach (which at the time meant coaching sports teams).
- I took trainings in collaborative law (decided I could support more lawyers who want to fix old archaic laws rather than becoming a lawyer);
- Realized I could resolve more conflict by training in Non-Violent Communications, Positive Intelligence, Heartmath, Polyvagal Theory, and a host of other Eastern and Western modalities;
- Learned I wasn’t interested in being a therapist and diagnosing the pathology of ‘patients;’ and so,
- I ended up taking a rather intense training program to become a certified professional co-active coach over 2 decades ago.
- I realized that I could meet my needs as a social change activist and have a huge impact by becoming a certified professional co-active coach (CPCC).
What I didn’t know at the time, is that this training would teach me and give me thousands of hours of on the spot experience in how to develop rapport with all sorts of people, mostly those in the corporate world or with my entrepreneurial clients.
If you read any of my testimonials (on my website, on LI, or if you google me), you will see that everyone talks about how easy it is to talk with me, how well I listen and connect, and how I am here to advance their agenda, not mine.
I completed my training as a certified professional co-active coach (CPCC) 24 years ago and I continue to train myself further to be cutting edge on supporting people in how to expand their thinking and change their behavior, in their own way.
I am able to dig down into the heart of what really matters (or is upsetting, not working, or stuck) with another person or organization, clarify an array of choices that didn’t exist before we had the coaching conversation (1 + 1 =3, not 2), and then support my client or team or organization to create a plan on how to realize those changes. I’m kinda like a belayer for a rock climber, the journey can be rocky or challenging but you’ll have a doable plan to reach your destination with adequate support. And then you’ll be on your way to the top of the mountain.
(BTW, I have a pet peeve in how my profession is tossed about — this training costs over 35K, I didn’t complete it in a weekend, and I have a couple thousand hours of training as well as working with clients.)
- SPECIAL SKILLS in STRATEGY –more to come…
In addition to developing the 4R Intake, being an expert at rapport, training others in how to use this intake, becoming a fast emerging SME in trauma, my greatest skills are in strategy.
I’m an expert at analyzing organizations and looking at ‘systems,’ finding weaknesses and missing parts, and collaborating to generate innovative solutions to move the person, team, or organization forward.
I could bring all these strategic skills anywhere, but as a DV and SA survivor, my heart is here. I want to make more necessary trouble.
I am here to partner with those who also keep Kamala alive in their heart with her words, “Don’t let anyone tell you what you want is impossible.” “Do something.”
I have some very bold ideas about where the law is failing us.
For example, I see that DV and SA SOLs are a contradiction to trauma; and I’m looking for others who are ready to challenge that and collaborate. I want to work across state lines, not in silos.
I’m here to partner with prosecutors, civil attorneys, VWAs, judges, legislators, and law enforcement to ask why things are the way they are and then to collaborate with these professionals and other strategists in order to offer some bold plans and pathways to gain traction.
Have a look at my testimonials and hear what others say about me.
If anything I’m saying speaks to you, I trust you’ll reach out and connect with me.
You can use email at (she/her) to get on my schedule. Or before I get too busy, phone/text, 760-419-8188 if you want to chat and are curious to see if what you’re looking for is what I offer.
I support lawyers* to be highly efficient, strategic and successful so that Sexual Misconduct ends in our lifetime.
*DA’s, Legislators, Title VII and IX Investigators, Advocates, and Employment Lawyers (representing the Plaintiff)
your impact
A Few Fun Facts: