Creator of the 4Rs Intake:

How to build Rapid Rapport with DV and SA survivors without Rushing or Retraumatization

this is the thank you page that paypal sends them to after they have paid. 


1. purchase gain3hours from landing page

2. paypal redirects them to this page  ‘thankgain3hoursyou’ webpage where they are thanked and directed to their email for the link to the training, which sends them to “gain3hourscoursecontent”

3. this webpage says the following

  • The information about how to access the Workshop has been sent to the email address associated with your PayPal account.

    If you don’t receive it within 2 hours, be sure to check the various folders in your email inbox. It might have gotten into your spam/ junk/ trash folder.

    There is also a specific intake page for the course. 
  • Be sure you look for a new email and click on the intake survey link.
  • You will have received an email from this sender address: 

    Any questions, email to:

    Looking forward to seeing you benefit from the course!

    ~ Becky Castris