Creator of the 4Rs Intake:

How to build Rapid Rapport with DV and SA survivors without Rushing or Retraumatization

Of course you’re highly schooled as an awesome lawyer. But did anyone hand over the business stuff you weren’t taught in law school – to become a successful business person? 


gain 3+ hours
your day

Interested in chunks of uninterrupted time where you can focus and crank out your work; no ringing landlines and no cell phones constantly pinging you? Get easily implementable skills no one ever told you about.

be a badass
in the

Wanna speak with conviction, passion, and power; strutting like you own that courtroom? Or do you want to up your game as a prosecutor because something is missing (even after all these years but you can't admit that)?

KPIs +
YOur Strategy = Success

Every business needs a yearly audit and KPIs to stay on track. If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else. Define a work and life plan based on your values. Write this down: What gets Measured gets Done.
I’ve worked with lawyers for nearly two decades so I get how tough your job is…  Want to chat about how to make it manageable? Dare I say, enjoyable?

–Want to increase your book of business? (Easily, using your own style?)

–Sick of your productivity dragging while facing minimal profitability? (This is what you get for all of your long hours and dedication?)

–Want to own the courtroom? (With oozing confidence no matter your experience?)

–Want to Gain 3+ hours of uninterrupted time to think and work each day? (I’m serious.)

–Feeling burdened by the stressful nature of this field? (Images you can’t get out of your head?)

–Bombarded by out of control emails & text msgs? (I used to be too.)

–Tired of not having a family or dating life? (Wanna get out of the office before 6pm?)

–Want your office to run without you? (Got Proper Staffing?)

19 YRS

of experience working with lawyers

27 YRS

old when i started my first business

44 YRS

of me sharing & daring myself to

Here's how I've helped other lawyers have a life before retirement

I’ll help you be the type of lawyer that makes your heart sing and your home life thrive. I offer breakthrough transformations so you can stop wishing you had picked a different profession & so you can realize your vision of how the world can be more fair and just. It is my deepest desire for you to have the impact that you want and expect of yourself in this world. 

Message me (760-419-8188) if you’re not sure if I’ve helped someone with your concerns; I’ll share a relevant testimonial describing what a fellow lawyer accomplished, or refer you to someone else. 

I again consulted with Becky because I felt “Panicked” in the present economy that my (law) practice would dry up despite that fact that business was still good for me. Becky again posed provocative questions, questions that caused me to make choices based on my own values, not outside expectations.
Anonymous Lawyer, principal
Solo practice, Springfield, MA
I invite you to look at my eradicating sexual misconduct services to skyrocket your existing impact, especially if you are short on time.

Finally, be included in the 2021 Report, The Strategy to Eradicate Sexual Misconduct, or get a copy of the findings.